Amiga Flame - News - November's Game Releases

November's Game Releases

(Uropa_2)News has just been received that Uropa 2 an 3D Isometric Action Adventure developed by Austex Software, has been released by Vulcan Software and is available to buy for �29.99 UK Pounds with this being Vulcan's second CD-Rom only release.

The Final Odyssey a puzzling action adventure will also be released in the next few days by Vulcan Software along with Genetic Species an 3D Doom Clone following in the next few weeks.

(Vulcan_Software)Visit their web site at :-

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(Blade)Blade is an RPG strategy game is to be released this week by Alive MediaSoft of which a demo is available in the Demo of the Month.

Alive MediaSoft will also be releasing The Haunted a CD-Rom scary adventure game hopefully in time for Christmas.

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Street Racer is also set to be released sometime this month by Guildhall Leisure and is expected to be in the shops in the UK.

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The month of November could signal the biggest release of Games this year.


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